All companies are bound to experience a web emergency but what’s important is how you deal with them. Having the proper plan in place in case something goes wrong is crucial. We recently encountered a situation with a client that required immediate action. Luckily, our team was able to step in and respond to their web emergency.
Being prepared and working with the right people are just two of many ways to prevent the emergency from growing into more problems. Here at Trinity Web Media, we pride ourselves on being able to provide prompt service for our clients. Keeping their goals and needs in mind is always our top priority.
Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show getting us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content, we do appreciate you. So today let’s talk about web emergencies. You know, we just got engaged in something this week where a client of ours as we were working on their site, their old hosting provider and their own web development company decided to take their site offline and to take it down.
Now, that not being an issue to us, the deal is this is a huge emergency to the client, and to everybody out there. So got me thinking, how do you handle web emergencies? What do you go ahead and what do you do to get yourself out of that? Who do you rely on? So luckily, we were very, very close to getting a site done. And we were able to launch the development site and make some modifications to the development site to launch it to get them out of this emergency. But how we not been there, they would be sitting there with zero – no site, no site presence.
So we had a couple of different solutions. You know, one was we were going to put up a coming soon page with a different web instance, with a different WordPress instance. And we’re going to push development. The other thing was we had an opportunity to go to the other provider and kind of make nice with them and ask them to help us. We didn’t want to go that. So what we ended up doing was we took the site, although it was kind of incomplete only a couple people will know how incomplete it really was, we were able to strip out anything that may not look great.
When you’re in a web emergency, or before you have a web emergency, make sure you have a backup plan. Make sure you know what you’re going to do to make sure you secure the backups of your site and another web developer or hosting provider isn’t holding it hostage, like what we were here with this Hunterdon County web developer. So couple things and you’re really going to want to make sure that you’re on top of.
Know when you’re hosting expires, know when any contracts expire, know what kind of uptime and downtime that you have, and also know what to do when you’re in these situations – let’s hope that it doesn’t happen to you. If your site gets hacked or have any kind of malware and maliciousness happens to it, you know, companies like our company, Trinity Web Media, can go ahead and get that site cleaned and get it up there. If you engage a company like us for maintenance, we have routine backups that we help provide for you. So when emergencies do happen, it’s all about how you handle them to make sure that there’s no interruption in business. Hey, thanks for watching, and we’ll talk to you soon.
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