When it comes down to it, the value in of your content marketing strategy lies in who you are creating it for & how you go about using it. So, today Greg Taylor goes over the purpose of your content, the value of having goals that are attached to it and how you can use this content in multifaceted ways throughout your business.
Each piece of content we create serves a specific purpose in our marketing strategy. Take our podcast for example. If a client asks us a topic we’ve already gone over, we can refer them to one of our previously recorded shows. This positions us as experts while also educating our clients – always keep a goal in mind when producing content.
For more on the purpose of your content, watch the Trinity Web Minute below.
Hello, welcome to another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show catching us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content, we definitely appreciate you
Today let’s talk more about content. And more specifically, let’s talk about what’s the purpose of your content? What are the goals that are attached to it? And how do you use your content?
So I think the best way for us and for me to demonstrate and talk about this is to talk about exactly how Trinity web media uses the content that I produce. And that we go ahead and we publish a broadcast everybody. So we do a lot of different stuff we do. We’re active on social media, we’re active on our YouTube channel, we’re active, you know, we have a podcast, I write blog posts, we do these videos that go on Instagram, TV, and Facebook, etc, etc.
So not all content is going to reach everybody in your audience. And each thing should have a different goal attached to them and how you use them. So for instance, podcast, we do not get a lot of business out of our podcasts.
But what we do with our podcast is, whenever we’re in a meeting with a client, or working with a client, we’re able to say, “Hey, you know what, for more information on this, check out our podcast, Episode 33.”
So what we can do then is we use it as positioning and a subject matter expert type of tool to make sure that we can give you more information, you consume it at your own leisure.
Also, it’s a great way to get to know who Kevin and I are, you know, and how we interact with Twitter, in the web media, etc. The blog posts, we use more as conversion. And what we try to do more and more recently is we try to write blog posts and produce videos, all about the same thing. So everything works as one congruent unit.
So if you’re coming to our website to consume our content, you found us through search, or somebody told you about an article or somebody shared it. Or you found it through social, there’s a higher likelihood of you converting and you feeling a contact form and becoming a client and wanting to talk to us about how do we get together and we work.
That’s the strategy behind that videos, all these videos, you know, what they do is they pull people to our website. They get to know who I am, you get to know what our, what our philosophy is about marketing and gets to know more and more about how we work and who we are, and what we look like what we sound like, you know, all of that good stuff. So it’s a positioning tool, it also is a lead in to our website to sort of get you into that whole ecosystem. So not all content is created equally, not all content has the same goals.
Not all content is used for the same purpose. So I think the big thing that I want you to take away from this is when you are creating content. Understand that and you’re going to have to exercise some patience, what I love for us to get leads and everything from our podcasts, of course, the reality of it is it’s not a very big podcast, but it’s a tool that we use as a business development tool. Where then it pays off, it pays off and we can use, we can attach an ROI to them.
So, understand what content you’re creating, understand how you’re creating it, understand the purpose of the content, and make it all work together. So hey, thanks for watching. For more episodes of the new Marketing Show, you can trinitywebmedia.com/Apple-podcast.
You catch us on iTunes, Stitcher, I Heart Radio, Spotify, all that good stuff. And thanks for watching on Instagram, TV and Facebook and YouTube. Talk to you soon.
More Episodes of The Trinity Web Minute
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