One of the most trendy topics to discuss in the digital marketing world as of lately is personal branding. With the growth of social media, it’s essential to reflect on how you are portraying yourself online. As you may not realize, your personal account is essentially an extension of the brand you represent. Even with a disclaimer, you should keep in mind the decision-making process of potential clients. Have you heard the saying, “first impressions matter?” Think of social media as your first introduction to a client.
The consequences of personal branding are both beneficial and detrimental. Continue to grow your personal network, but always keep in mind how this is affecting other aspects of your business.
Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catch us on Instagram TV, YouTube, or website where we get this content, we definitely appreciate you. So, couple videos ago, I started talking about how content drives the buying decisions and how how you manage your content that helps you manage your social media for your companies, how it helps sway and drive the brand, the purchasing decision, I want to take a little bit, I want to go a little deeper into that on top of personal branding.
So when it comes to social media, when it comes to you being a fixed to accompany more now now more than ever, you are an extension of wherever you work. There are a lot of times you’ll see Twitter accounts or different social media accounts will say these views are my own views and reflect my thoughts not and do not reflect the thoughts of my employer, my organization did it did it. That’s all well, and good to say that.
But still do really think in this day and age people don’t know who they’re doing business with. And that social media isn’t one of their first checkpoints or the content that you produce, or not one of the first touch points or checkpoints, or whether or not they can do business with you. Listen, there’s more information out there about any of us now more than ever, and that’s only going to keep growing. And most of the information put out, we put out about ourselves.
So while there are no rules, maybe there are no regulations, there are no, you know, limits to what you can do and boundaries, what you can do if there are definitely consequences. So I want you to just consider, would you want to work with you, if people if people saw, if you looked at your own profile, you look at your own posts, you know, this is personal branding, one on one, making sure that you put your best foot forward all times.
You know, one of the things that I’ve always tried to here by is I try not to post anything on social media if think that would embarrass my mother, my girlfriend, my family, etc, etc. So that’s a good rule just to follow if you are ever in doubt. And also the other rule that I adhere to is if you think it’s wrong, and probably Israel, so I’m not saying that you have to censor yourself. I’m not saying that you have to live, you know, a very restricted life.
But what I’m saying is there are consequences with what you do and what you posted what you say. And you know, they’re good consequences. And there are also some not so good some consequences. But just think before you do something. So again, buyers are checking out your content buyers are checking out your blog and buyers are checking out your social media before they do anything. They’re also checking out the authors, social media, and it’s another extension, just another way for them to vet everything that they’re getting involved with.
So hey, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. We’ll come we’ll get you some more videos and content next week. Keep on listening to bonus episodes of the new Marketing Show. We’ll keep making them for you. Thanks.
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