As we continue through these tough times together, it’s essential to keep your clients in mind. Even if your business is out of operation, keeping in touch with the people who support your business is vital. But, it isn’t all just about sending spammy email blasts. The best way to continue retaining clients during quarantine is by providing VALUE.
Our team is witnessing many companies begin to feel the pain of COVID-19, and we’re here to help. If you are one of the many brands out there struggling, prioritizing retaining clients can save your business.
Don’t become too overwhelmed with the current circumstances! With a touch of value, your clients will remain only a phone call away.
Hey everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show catching us on Instagram TV, YouTube, pod bean, Apple podcasts, all that good stuff. So today on Instagram, I pose a question, what are you doing to make sure that you retain all of the clients that you had before? You know, the non essential business shut down?
So a couple of ideas, you know, that I have, you know, for some industries would be how can you, partner if you can’t serve your existing client base right now, right? How can you partner with other people and collaborate with them and may pull everyone together so that you can pool your resources and give your clients unique offering you know, a lot of this goes for the fitness space. I see a lot of private gyms, you know, and small gyms closed right now, but they’re not doing anything to maintain their client base.
Why not partner with an online fitness source? And, you know, maybe negotiate reduced rate for each of your members still billing your members, then you pay the online system.
And there you are, you’re providing value, the whole thing that’s gonna, that the whole thing, the whole key ingredient in a whole key thing to maintain your client base and keeping all of your clients during this stuff is constantly providing value, while you can’t serve them, or while you can’t, you know, solve their designated problems, while you can essentially work with them and help them.
So what value are you adding to a relationship? It’s always about the value. If you’re not adding value to your client base into your existing clients, they’re going to go somewhere else. And that’s whether your business is open or shut down. So right now, you know, a couple things.
One, are you staying in touch with all your clients? Are you active on social media channels if you have an email list, and again, I’ve been saying this since the beginning of all of this stuff that happened in March you email list right now is one of your most valuable assets to your business.
How are you utilizing the business, your business list to make sure that your email list to make sure that you are still communicating with your clients to let them know where you are to let them know whether or not you’re going to open when all this shit gets lifted?
Because that’s a big question for a lot of people. A lot of clients we’re working on right now. We’re working on reopening plans and messaging to let people know that hey, we are still in the game. We’re going to be here when this lifts.
Thank you for bearing with us. We’d love to hear from you. How are you doing? You know, there’s a lot of key creative messaging that needs to happen around there. Are you continuing to change your business or are you evolving, are you you know, did you move your business online? Are you telling everybody that you have your business online? How are you communicating with everyone?
So right now, the clients that you have enough clients on your roster are more valuable than ever because they’re sticking around With you, they’re supporting you.
And they’re helping you navigate these times, treat them with that respect and treat them and show them that value. And I think that it’s going to really enhance a relationship. Hey, thanks for checking us out. Talk to you next time.
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