At the end of the day, the term “success” can be somewhat subjective. Regardless of how much a service or product profits, measuring results comes in many different forms. Does that mean increasing conversion rate? Or is it getting more listeners on your podcast? Whatever it may be that moves the needle for your brand, that’s what we look for when measuring results.
As analytical marketers, we pride ourselves on reviewing the data and making changes accordingly. Since we continuously measure our results, it’s so important to have an idea in your head of what success looks like. Measuring results can be tricky for some, but as we said, don’t go into everything with the same mindset.
Results are meant to dictate your future, not only the present.
Hey, everyone, thanks for catching another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show and getting us on InstagramTV, YouTube or website wherever you’re getting this content. So today I want to talk about measuring results. And, you know, we talked a lot about measuring results and how, you know, you can’t improve things that aren’t measured.
But here’s the thing that I really want you to start thinking about is what does success look like to you? What moves the needle for your business? You know, is it more conversions? If you get to talk to more leads, you know, throughout the week?
Does that move the needle for you? Does traffic move the needle for you, you know, if you’re getting more and more traffic, if you have some lead magnets, or downloads important to you. So while we, you know, need to constantly measure things, I think that it’s important that we understand what success looks like. And we have a number in our head or percent conversion rate in in mind.
So we can go ahead and continue to make things better, tweak them and make adjustments, you know, again, you can’t fix and you can’t change what you don’t measure. Measure everything, measure often review it, refine, repeat, and go from there. So hey, thanks for checking us out and we’ll talk to you soon.
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