As you probably notice, Instagram’s 2019 updates have caused some pretty extensive changes which have affected many creators first hand. Although seeing your numbers drop can be cause or concern, you shouldn’t be too worried. As long as you adhere to best practices and a consistent content schedule, you’ll notice your numbers getting back on track. Instagram’s 2019 updates focus on getting rid of bots and prioritizing quality content.
For more on Instagram’ 2019 updates, check out the latest episode of The New Marketing Show.
Hey guys, Nate here with a Trinity Web Minute. So today I’m going to be talking about the Instagram update for 2019. That dropped in June. Yeah, and I know a lot of creators are worried about this, we’re watching our numbers go down.
But really you shouldn’t be overly concerned. This is just Instagram’s way of trying to filter out the bot problem that has pretty much been infiltrating every popular account on Instagram. So if you’re getting affected by this update, I want you to know that you shouldn’t be overly concerned.
If you’re doing everything right, you’re following the best practices, you’re making sure you adhere to a consistent content schedule, you’re going to notice your Instagram numbers are going to jump right back up. This is similar to Google’s algorithm updates when they got rid of all the keyword stuffing. They had different ways of blacklisting people that weren’t following best practices. This is Instagram’s way of filtering all of this out and getting rid of the bot problem.
So if your Instagram numbers have dropped and you’re worried, I want you to stick to the consistent content schedule, stick to what you’re doing best and stick to what you know best and watch your numbers get back to where they were. So all right, this is Nate signing off with a Trinity Web Minute. We’ll talk to you guys soon.
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