Another day, another discussion regarding the current pandemic at-hand. As we’ve mentioned previously, the response to COVID-19 has caused panic among people and businesses. We have been busy helping clients complete emergency & crisis messaging, but sometimes that isn’t enough.
In the world of marketing, you have to always prepare for the worst. With that in mind, how would you grade your preparation for this unprecedented event? Don’t blame yourself if things came as a total surprise, and you didn’t have any plans in place. We’re happy to help.
So, in terms of our COVID-19 response, we grade ourselves a solid B. Although we have crisis plans in place, preparing for something of this magnitude is tough.
Let us know your grade via our contact form or on Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin. Our team is always here to chat!
Hey everyone, thanks checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catching us on YouTube, Instagram TV, on our website, all that good stuff.
So, you know, right now we’re in the middle of the coven emergency I keep talking about I really, I really can’t wait until I don’t have to talk about this anymore. And today, you know, being towards the end of the week, I’m just wondering like, how would you grade yourself on continuing your marketing efforts, supporting clients or staying in front of your community?
Like, how would you grade your COVID-19 response? Like, did you have a plan before this happened? Did you go into meetings and like have a plan to support things while this was all happening? Did you have any plan or did you have any strategy?
Was there any like emergency protocol, you know, a lot of my friends in the PR world they live and die by emergency protocol and emergency, you know, crisis management, you know, and right now I think we are all in crisis management.
We’re all in the middle of probably the biggest crisis we’ve ever faced. Definitely from a health wise healthcare standpoint in my lifetime. And And I’m just wondering, like, Trinity web media, you know, we had a plan for crisis.
But to be honest with you, I don’t think we had a plan for a crisis this large, you know, so what we’ve been able to do is we’ve been able to meet with our clients and meet you know, as a team daily, say, What can we do? Where can we help? Who needs the most help? How can we prioritize the requests? What needs the most attention? What is going to make the biggest impact? How can we affect change?
You know, all of those things go into account when you’re when we’re all facing something like this. So, you know, our phone, our emails have been going crazy right now, with people needing help and emergency support.
With that being said, you know, we definitely have deployed the review, refine, repeat methodology, so that we can make sure that we are on the forefront of helping everybody and helping everybody, you know, fight another day, fight another week, fight another month within their business, you know, until this thing is over.
So, you know, as I’m making this video, I just want you to kind of think like, Where are you on this on this continuum? Are you, you know, would you give yourself an A, B, C, D, I’d give Trinity A B, you know, but we’re striving for the A here because we’re learning more, being proactive, but at the same time being reactive to all the latest news.
Take a moment. Think about that. I hope everybody is safe. I hope everybody is, is well out there. And I’ll continue making videos and hopefully, within the next couple of weeks, I won’t have to talk about this covert thing anymore.
So hey, if you have any questions or you need anything, please feel free to drop us a line. We are here to answer any questions that you have. See you next time.
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