Whenever possible Trinity Web Media likes to drive offline marketing to online tools to better measure their effectiveness. This way, you can determine a true ROI for your ad spend and measure how integrated/traditional campaigns are working. The more you do this, the more you are able to use our review, refine, repeat digital marketing methodology.
Hey everyone Greg Taylor here with Trinity Web Media, thanks for catching another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show and watching this on Instagram, TV, and YouTube. So today, let’s talk about how do you support and measure other marketing and AD initiatives with your website, your web presence. So, great question. What happens is everything that we do, and we love offline traditional advertising and marketing, you know, we still think that there’s a place for that within your marketing budget and your marketing, you know, strategy.
What we want to do is we want to drive everything, every flyer, every billboard, every radio ad, every PPC campaign, I know that that’s an online tactic, but we want to take all of these unique ads and drive them to special unique landing pages or microsites.
Here we can then collect more intel on what’s working, what’s not working, where the leads are coming from. What that then does is you’re going to know quickly what’s working, what’s not working again, and what you’re going to need to review, refine, repeat, you know, let’s refine what’s not working, let’s make it better or if it’s not working. Or decide let’s stop doing it let’s spend that money somewhere else. Think that the small amount that you spend on either a microsite or landing pages is going to pay huge dividends and you’re not being wasteful with your ad spend with your marketing dollars.
So, we encounter this a lot. You know, in a professional services world where you know, there’s still a huge value on being a face on TV or there’s huge value on having fliers out somewhere else. So if you’re doing that, get a unique URL, drive them to a landing page that’s optimize your conversion send them to a microsite where they can get more information. And let’s measure that. From there, you’re going to know exactly how you are what your return on investment is. So hey, thanks for watching. For more episodes like this, you can catch us at trinitywebmedia.com/iTunes.
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