After a successful Giving Tuesday for our clients, we thought it would be the opportune time to break down how to calculate the ROI of a campaign. There are many different ways that you can go about doing so. The bottom line is, you can’t just figure the success of things based on dollar amounts. Receiving more money indeed means you performed an effective ask, but what else? For the non-profits that we work with, we take into account advancing brand awareness and building momentum for the corporation as a whole.
Are you interested in learning more about how we calculate the ROI of a campaign? Check out today’s Trinity Web Minute featuring your favorite digital marketing specialist, Greg Taylor.
Hello, everyone, welcome to another bonus episode of the new marketing. So catching us on Instagram TV, YouTube, our blog, wherever you’re getting this content, we appreciate you. Today I want to talk about Giving Tuesday which just wrapped up, how do you calculate true ROI of a campaign?
So, you know, this is not just specific to giving Tuesday’s not just specific to nonprofits, and oh my god, my hair looks crazy from this hat I was wearing. But what it is is like when you try to calculate true ROI, I don’t think that you can just calculate dollars in and dollars out. What do I mean by that?
So sometimes The true measure of a campaign can’t be quantified until months later, because nowadays we have something called social reach. So when you’re doing campaigns and especially when you’re producing, let’s say videos like this, or you’re sending emails, or a lot of social posts, that stuff is going to be passed around that stuff is going to also build onto a brand awareness, and it’s gonna start building momentum. And keep your nonprofit, keep your brand, keep your company and keep your service top of mind when it comes to the next campaign.
So every campaign should you do things consistently. And again, you know, I’m a big believer in consistency and doing what you say you’re going to do, and making sure that you keep your brand promises. Everything that you do build on that consistency and it builds momentum. And I’m, again, I’m a believer that momentum, baguettes momentum.
When you start things rolling, your audience is going to start to understand what to expect from you, and what you should be what they should come to know of you, and how your tone and how you’re the voices of your of your campaigns.
Also, you know, when you tell a great story, you can’t really measure the significance of the story until some time has passed. And then you can truly measure how things resonate with people. So when you’re calculating a ROI. Don’t be short sighted and just $2 in dollars out, try to give it some time try to give it some, some time to marinate some time to breathe. And then you can calculate how things really affect the big picture in the long run.
Hey, thanks for checking us out. For more episodes like this. You can get us at or on Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, all those good places. So talk to you soon.
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