One of the most tested and proven marketing strategies is using email marketing. This valuable technique has proven it’s merit over time and this doesn’t look like it’s changing anytime soon. When it comes to email marketing tips, there’s a lot to cover. On today’s Trinity Web Minute, Greg dives into the different things we value and how you can implement these ideas in your next email blast.
One of the most crucial aspects of email marketing is the strength of your contact list. Your contact list is the gateway to potential clients and should be treated like gold. Without solid contacts, your email marketing efforts will suffer.
Let’s go ahead and cover the importance of an active list as well as the basics to a sufficient email. Check it out!
Hey everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show, catch us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content, we definitely appreciate you. So today I want to talk about email marketing. So email marketing is one of the most valuable strategies that you can still use for your product service or brand. You know, email marketing yields a very high conversion rate when done correctly. So here are a couple of things that I want you to think about as you’re starting email campaigns. One, make sure you have a good data list. Your email list is a very valuable asset to your company.
Make sure that you have that make sure you preserve that. Second of all, can you segregate that list? Can you take people and move them into different buckets based on what your interest is whether or not they open your email, whether they’re open they’re interested in different products or services that you have like if you use Trinity for example, you know, maybe I would have one list that’s for WordPress development, one list that’s for digital marketing and one list.
That’s for something nice, maybe social media management or content marketing, etc, etc. From there, you can go ahead and you can push out the right message to each one of these different audiences and you get a higher open rate. For there, what you need to do is if you can go ahead and
craft a subject line that matters, and that relates to their interests, and one that’s compelling to pique your interest so that they can go ahead and open it. That is going to get you halfway home. Now, when you construct the content, make sure that content is a value and it relates to the subject line. Don’t do any bullshit, bait and switch, don’t do anything just to play games with them.
Again, you want to protect this commodity that you have your email list. So go ahead, separate your email list. Make sure you get a good subject line, make sure you have good compelling content in there and also deliver whatever you promised them. So when you take them from the email list to maybe a page on your site,
For other resources, make sure it delivers exactly what you promised.
Email Marketing is a matter of trust, do not break trust at all. And if you break trust, you’re going to start losing people and that’s no good. So hey, thanks for watching. For more content like this, you can check us out at
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