When it comes to working as a team to achieve the same goal, everybody must be one the same page. We’ve recently encountered some issues with our clients that play right into this topic. At times, working with PPC companies can become a nightmare quicker then you think. When these companies fail to produce or provide the numbers needed, everyone on the marketing team suffers.
Doing the right thing and getting results is impossible when one part of the team isn’t holding up their promises. Transparency can make or break a strategy when collaborating with other brands.
Welcome to another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show Marketing Podcast. We’re talking about how intelligent
Business Solutions struggling dude. All right, here we go, everyone, welcome to another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show. Thanks for catching us on Instagram TV, wherever you getting this content, we definitely appreciate you. So today I want to talk about different clients situation that we’ve been in recently between doing the right thing and getting results.
So for a long time we’ve been spending and we’ve been talking about managing an AdWords account and managing PPC and managing, you know, how do we do this in the most effective way for a practice? Here’s the thing. Do I believe that AdWords work? Absolutely.
Do I believe that they need to be done the right way to yield results where everybody works together? 100%. So when you’re working with multiple marketing providers, especially, you know, web development, and digital marketers, such as Trinity, and then maybe you’re working with somebody else’s managing your PPC and your AdWords or even outside SEO, it’s super important for everybody to be on the same page, work together for results.
What happens is, when everybody works in their own kind of silo, then nobody knows what’s going on. Nobody can support one another. And a lot of people, you know, if they’re not able to provide simple things that professional should provide, then I understand why they would want to do that, but it’s not right. So in that case, it’s time to stop. Collect your thoughts, get a team together, that’s going to pull together for you for the goal for the brand, and then everyone who’s going to work together. Hey, thanks for checking us out. We’ll talk to you soon.
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