This week Trinity Web Minutes have been centered around the who, what,
when and why of blogging. Today, Greg Taylor goes into further detail on where he finds inspiration for the content he produces, what the goal of our blog is and what better blogging can do for your business.
Finding Content
Inspiration for content is everywhere and depending on the goals of your blog, can be about anything. Our inspiration for our blog comes from the questions people email in or ask Greg when he speaks at conferences. By answering questions, chances are you are solving a problem for more than the person who asked the question.
Trinity Web Media’s content goals are to produce content that is helpful, addresses the needs of clients and to solve a problem. We are consistent with our blog and focus on being a trusted resource for our audience. By establishing trust with your audience, you become their go-to source for information which can increase your brand’s visibility, grow your community and lead to increased conversion.
Watch more to see how better blogging can affect your business.
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