With so many different content marketing agencies out there, you’re bound to run into your fair share of advice. It could be suggesting you put out quantity over quality or writing for search engines. But, here at Trinity Web Media, we like to do things differently. Our content marketing strategy includes an elaborate process behind creating good content. If you’ve tuned into our Trinity Web Minute series before, you know just how much work goes into each piece of content we deliver.
Without a strategy, your content is basically useless. We’ve developed three basic concepts for you to implement for creating good content.
Check it out and let us know the ways you create compelling content!
Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new market show catching us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, on our blog, wherever you’re getting this content, we definitely appreciate you. So today I want to talk to you about creating good content for your brand, how to create good content for your audience, how to create good content that really moves the needle for your company.
So I use three different there are three different things. Always remember one. Make sure you know the topic make sure you know the subject that you’re talking about. The internet is full of too many people who are giving you advice on how to 10 x this or how to 10x that when they haven’t done shit. They haven’t even accomplished anything. So know your topic. And whenever possible, cite your successes because that’s going to breed trust, and that’s going to give you some authority. When you do achieve an authority trusted authority or trusted advisor status with somebody. always cherish that because that is
super valuable in any relationship.
The next thing is, know your audience, you have to understand where your audience lives, you have to understand what is important to them, you have to understand what they need for you to help them where they need help, what topics they need help with, what tone, what voice resonates with them, when you understand that, then what you’re going to start to do is you’re really going to be able to start connecting with them. The third thing is understand your goals. If you know your goals, and you set goals for each piece of content, and if you drill it down perfectly, and you set it for each piece of content for each, maybe different media, etc, etc. Where you’re able to do is you’re able to measure the effectiveness.
You can’t change you can’t make anything better or what you don’t measure it. So make sure you measure everything that key things that we measure is conversion rate. We measure you know, the attention span, you know, like on YouTube videos, like how long are they watching things.
You’re traffic, unique visitors, we measure, you know what media works best on what platform, all that different stuff, because it’s all things that you can do make simple refinements to. From there. You know, there are a couple of different schools of content marketing. One ismore and more content is good.
Some people say less is more, but whatever school that you adhere to, and actually, less is more is sort of my motto of how I like to do things. But whatever school you adhere to, what you really want to do is you want to make sure that every piece of content you’re pushing out there is helpful. It’s good. It’s a high quality and it’s valuable. If you do that, you’ll start to get be trusted resource.
They’re going to start looking to you for other services, and they’re going to come to you when they need something. So hey, thanks for watching. For more episodes of the new market show you can catch us at Trinitywebmedia.com/Apple-podcast.Or you can get us on our blog at trinitywebmedia.com, thanks.
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