Niche marketing is not new, but it is something that every marketer needs to understand. They say the riches are in the niches. If you can identify your ideal niche and position your business accordingly you will have a great chance of success. Greg Taylor of Trinity Web Media's digital marketing … [Read more...] about Niche Marketing
Why Your Social Media Marketing Does Not Work (Ways To Stop Sucking)
Social Media Marketing is a component of any complete digital marketing strategy. There are times we talk to small business owners that do not understand the complexity of social media marketing and they quickly assume that their digital marketing strategy is wasted. Wasted time. Wasted energy. … [Read more...] about Why Your Social Media Marketing Does Not Work (Ways To Stop Sucking)
Episode #14 The New Marketing Show: Stop Chasing Vanity Metrics
This week's episode of The New Marketing Show talks about how business owners get caught up chasing the wrong digital marketing metrics or vanity metrics. If you are not chasing the things that matter for your business when it comes to your marketing you are wasting time, energy and money.Hosts … [Read more...] about Episode #14 The New Marketing Show: Stop Chasing Vanity Metrics
When Is It Time To Fire Clients
Greg Taylor discusses the harsh facts of business that sometimes what was once an ideal client is no longer a good fit for your business. Typically, it is no one's fault, but if you ignore the warning signs you may be in for a long tumultuous time that is just not worth it. So when is it time to … [Read more...] about When Is It Time To Fire Clients
BONUS Episode: Greg Taylor WordCamp San Diego – Stop Selling Start Solving Problems
This is the Greg Taylor WordCamp San Diego presentation for Sunday, April 15. The session, "Stop Selling Websites and Start Solving Problems" is a topic that should not be unfamiliar to the audience of The New Marketing Show.For many, this is old hat, but surprisingly enough, this is a new … [Read more...] about BONUS Episode: Greg Taylor WordCamp San Diego – Stop Selling Start Solving Problems
The Best Video Marketing Tip
The Best Video Marketing Tip I ever heard was something I heard recently. We had Ita Udo-Ema on The New Marketing Show Podcast and he gave us the best video marketing tip I have ever heard. Ita said, "Focus on the process, not the product."At the beginning to kickstart your video efforts, if you … [Read more...] about The Best Video Marketing Tip