Simple WordPress security tips are considered a dime a dozen, but there are some security tips tried and true. As a WordPress Developer and a WordPress Development company we are responsible to make sure that every user from the first-timer to a seasoned veteran understands how to keep their WordPress site secure.
Greg Taylor, WordCamp speaker explains some of his best WordPress Security Tips.
Keeping WordPress Secure
Change your password often. Never use a simple password — make sure the WordPress says the password is strong. Passwords like ‘Password123’ or ‘Appl3’ (where you use a number or character instead of a letter) or very BAD ideas.
Keep WordPress Updated. Always make sure WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress plugins and everything else are constantly updated. If you are unsure how to do so, Trinity Web Media offers WordPress Maintenance Services.
Choose a reputable WordPress host. Cheap hosting is not good, and good hosting is not cheap. Choose accordingly. Top tier hosts have various security measures in place to protect your site.
More often than not, WordPress malware and other attacks are not personal. They result from the efforts of Internet bad guys looking for an easy way in. Deploy at least the three above WordPress security measures and your site will be less vulnerable to attack.
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