Here at Trinity Web Media, we know just how much changes within the industry in a short amount of time. It could be your social media strategy or maybe a development technique; it’s essential to adapt. One of the questions that came up recently when discussing struggling businesses was simply, “what are you doing to grow your business?”
It may come as a surprise to you just how many companies lack being proactive. When you see your numbers beginning to plateau, it’s time to review your strategy and make the appropriate tweaks. Don’t be stagnant with any part of your business. Get out there and grow your business to the highest potential. Recently, we’ve been experimenting with re-targeting. Re-targeting through social media is an ideal way to identify your niches and who resonates best with your message. This is just one of many ways we have been trying to do things differently.
For more on techniques to grow your business including re-targeting, tune in to this weeks Trinity Web Minute.
Hello, welcome to another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show catching on Instagram, IGTV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content definitely appreciate you. So today I want to talk about what are you doing to grow your business? What are you doing to make things different? What are you doing to make things better? You know, at Trinity Web Media, we understand that what you did yesterday, and what we did yesterday may not work as well today.
In some instances, it may not work at all due to different technology changes or algorithms or user behavior. So what are you doing today that’s different, you know, one thing that we’re doing a whole lot of is we’re doing a lot of retargeting. So one retargeting strategy that we are taking is, we’re doing some micro targeting when it comes to social media because Facebook still has the best way for you to target people down to the precise interest down to their location down to even their demographics.
From there, we’re bringing them out to the website or bring them out to them. Microsite landing page and then dropping another retargeting pixel on them using services such as Admiral to go and serve them ads, you know through the ad networks. What this does is one, when you do it through social media, you’re able to identify exactly what your niche is, who your audiences and what they’re interested in.
And then you could speak to them in a manner that they need want to be spoken to. In a manner that’s relevant, and that resonates with them. From there you’re able to re target them based on what you already know about them. Have those ads follow them around, you know, for the duration of their internet pixel and the cookie. So that’s what we’re doing a little bit differently.
So, if you had a very like detailed social strategy in the past and it’s not working any longer, I would implore you just to think a little differently. Things get a little bit more savvy, get a little bit more intelligent, with your marketing. Learn more about your audience and then go from there. Take the business intelligence, take the data and use it and leverage that for other for other avenues for bigger things and make sure that you’re speaking to them in a manner that they want to be spoken to.
So hey, thanks for watching. I definitely appreciate you and we’ll talk to you next time.
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