If there’s anybody that knows the ins and outs of working from home, it’s our team. As a digital marketing company, Trinity Web Media has come to specialize in working remotely. Although this concept may seem foreign & intimidating to others, we’re here to help you adjust.
It’s true, working from home requires a certain kind of discipline. Dealing with distractions while maintaining your workflow can get complicated. We find ourselves referring back to the same several guidelines for working from home successfully.
Greg Taylor is a highly experienced marketer with an extensive history of working from home. Ready to learn from the pros? Don’t miss out on this week’s Trinity Web Minute.
Hey there, welcome to another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show. catch us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, all that jazz, all that good stuff. So, you know, here we are, we have more and more people working in home than ever and I myself I’m work from home now problem.
I work now from home for the last 12-15 years. So, here are a couple of tips I want to give out everybody, just to let you know how to be productive, how to be effective and, and how to make the most of it.
The first thing that I do every day is you know, I get up, I go through my morning routine. Like anybody else as if they had to get up and go to work and get in a car and go, you know, I work I wake up, typically eat something I exercise, take a shower, I get dressed. And then I go to another room of my house where I typically don’t spend a lot of time and that’s for work.
You know, in my situations, my home office, I’m Only in there when I’m working. And I’m only in there when I’m trying to be productive. If you don’t have that luxury, maybe sit away set apart part of your dining room or set something up in your kitchen or you know, if the weather gets nice, set something up on your back deck or anything like that.
That way, you have a little bit of separation between work and your regular life. If you don’t have that separation, and you kind of keep things really blurred. What ends up happening is, it’s really hard to be productive.
Other thing that I have found is I take scheduled lunch, I take I eat lunch, typically when I always would, you know I have a schedule for that I have a schedule when I will maybe get up and walk the dog.
You know, in your home, let’s say laundry, let’s say dishes, let’s say maybe the dog you know let’s say you need to go grocery shopping all those Things are distractions, or you can potentially build them into your day to get that stuff done if you’re on a task based business, such as we are here at Trinity, so I think that, you know, while going to an office, you know, provides a lot of structure for people.
And it’s typically a way to start the day. And it’s typically a way just to get things rolling. The biggest thing is, find your own structure, fire, a structure that works for you, within your own home environment. Set up a place that’s comfortable, a simple place that’s productive. Set up a place with good energy and all that good stuff, to make sure that you can get things up. And
I think that you’ll settle into this and maybe you’ll really like working remote. Who knows. So, thanks for listening. Thanks for watching. I hope everyone watching this as well. I hope everybody is doing the right thing. staying at home as needed, you know, take care of themselves, all that good stuff. So I think that you know, together we’ll get through all this stuff. So till next time. Later.
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