There are so many different ways you can begin giving back to your community, and it’s not only in terms of monetary donations. You could be helping grow local small businesses with your services or even through mentorship/apprenticeship.
Of course, you’ll run into tons of people that are just trying to pick your brain for free. But, when you notice true appreciation from someone and a willingness to grow, harness it.
Giving back to your community is so vital in so many ways; hope you begin to recognize just how much you can make an impact on your own.
Hey everyone, welcome to a bonus episode of the new Marketing Show, catch us on Instagram TV, YouTube, where we’re getting this content, we definitely appreciate you. So today I want to talk about knowledge, mentorship and giving back. You know, everybody has something to give everybody has something to contribute to some community, whether it’s the marketing, community communications, community technology, even in your town, you know, everybody has something to give. And it’s up to you to figure out how to give that and when they give that and whom they give that to, you know, a lot of times there are people who will just want to pick your brain and, you know, pump you for information and then not want to do any of the work.
But every once in a while, you’re going to come across somebody who really has a lot of potential and who really, really wants to learn, really, really wants to maybe better their situation or, you know, better their life or better, somebody else’s. And I think that us being, you know, part of a bigger community, I think that it’s important for us to recognize that and to give back.
You know, so many people have freely given knowledge, help sometimes helped me with code, I mean, everything from, you know, from the very beginning to where we are today.
So, I always find that it’s my responsibility to give back and to help others achieve the same type of same type of accomplishment. So, recognize these things like when you can give back, give back. It’s that simple, you know, help somebody else’s situation. However you can. I mean, that’s really what a community is about.
Look for these opportunities. And if you need help, find somebody that you like, find somebody that you admire their work, find somebody and ask them to help you. What’s the worst that you’re going to say? So, Hey, thanks for checking us out. Thanks for watching. We’ll see you soon.
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