Living in an “influencer society,” it’s hard to filter out content that is of actual value. Social media has made many so focused on likes and followers that we forget what actually goes on behind the scenes. Years ago, what influencers do was just considered an endorsement. We all know that once money gets involved, the opinions of someone are likely to follow suit. So, the next time your online and you see someone with over a million followers claiming a product is the end-all-be-all, think again.
Check out today’s Trinity Web Minute as Greg Taylor covers his views on the influencer society and how the loudest voice is often considered the right one. We’re here to remind you that the loudest voice is often the wrong one to be listening to.
Hey everybody Greg Taylor Trinity Web Media, thanks checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, you know. So let’s talk real quick about, you know, in every industry, marketing especially, there’s always some marketing like celebrity types who are louder than anybody. They have the bigger broadcast platform, maybe the deeper pockets in order to get that. And people follow whatever they say no matter what, just because they say it the loudest.
That’s not always right. You know, we live in an influencer society nowadays. And I don’t really think about do are we really living in any different times? And before? Because, you know, before there are influencers, there are people doing endorsements.
So really somebody endorsing a product and somebody, you’re trying to be influential with a product. I mean, it’s pretty much the same thing if you want to think about it. So, you know, nowadays, the people with the biggest mouth, the biggest platform, the biggest audience, seem to have the most authority and that’s not always right.
I definitely see it in the marketing space. I shudder at some marketing advice at some people with million followers on Twitter, or a lot of Instagram followers, you know, the shit that they’re saying, the fitness space is even worse, you know, where people are saying, you know, one thing that has no science behind it, or etc, etc. But people believe it because they have a loud voice they have the bigger persona they have the bigger Of course, someone decides to cut the grass right now, but they have the bigger platform.
So what I want to say is shout out to all everybody who’s out there doing things, for the right reason, doing things for the best results for their clients, you know, doing things without chasing clout doing things without yelling and screaming and being obnoxious. You know, I want to just shout out and salute all the people who are flying slow and low and getting shit done. So, thanks for checking us out. You can always get more episodes like this on Apple podcast, Stitcher, YouTube, Instagram, TV, all that good stuff.
Go devils.
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