Respect can go a long way. Both in life and business, when you respect each other, everything goes a lot smoother. Here at Trinity Web Media, we pride ourselves on respecting one another and not getting in the way of someone and their lane. Think about it, when you have two team members lacking respect for what the other person does, nothing really ever gets done.
When it comes to the success of a team, never let your ego get in the way. Give your team members the respect of doing what they do, and you’ll likely receive it back.
For more on the value of respecting your team members and their lane, don’t miss out on today’s Trinity Web Minute with digital marketing expert, Greg Taylor.
Hey everyone, welcome to another bonus episode of the new market show, catch us on YouTube, Instagram, TV, all that great stuff. So happy that you’re here with us today I want to talk about, you know, one of our favorite topics collaboration, working as a team, and kind of our mindset here at Trinity, how we continue to work as a team and get things done.
I think one of the main rules is, is you have to always respect your teammates, you have to respect everybody on the team, everybody has an equal voice. And everybody is bringing a certain expertise to the table.
So what does that mean? It means that, whenever possible, be as be as helpful as you can to other people, but also respect what they do, and what lanes are running it, you know, I find a lot of times, some teams, you know, everybody just crosses lanes, and everybody’s all over the place. But what happens is, at that point, nothing gets done.
If multiple people are responding to an issue, or a ticket, or a dev item, or something like that, really nothing’s getting done, because you guys are all doing the same thing. And it’s really creepy, creating more confusion, and it is not good. So if you have designated roles and designated lanes for you to run in as a team, what happens at that point is, you understand inherently who’s responsible for what nothing.
Now, once somebody acknowledges that something comes in, or something needs to be done, you know, or a task needs to be checked off, you know, that person who is taking care of it should always circle back with the rest of it. And I said, circle back, I hate that word that term.
But they should always go back to the rest of the team and close the communication gap. I find that a lot of times, you know, teams may be the most expert in the world the best at what they do, but they don’t communicate well. They’re really not that effective. Because there’s so much overlap, that creates confusion, or duplicate work. And all of a sudden, you’re all over the place.
The other thing is, you have to be respectful for what the other teammates have going on in their world. So sometimes what happens is, you have so many different projects that you’re juggling, and you’re multitasking so many different items, that what what’s going on is lost a ball. So over here, getting clear that what happens is you have to make sure that you understand what’s going on and be respectful their time and their situations and everything else.
Or it’s going to create dissension among the ranks and among the team. Also on a real team, a true team, you know, there’s typically always, there’s always a leader, but that leader is no more important than anybody else. He’s just in the lead. And when you find somebody who’s taking lead and taking control, he’s typically the one or he or she whoever they are the one who can typically check the box and say yes, that’s done, do maybe a little QA, and then go ahead and move on to the next task.
So you know, working in teams is the best way I found to get things done, do great work for your clients. Better your personal and professional abilities and expertise. But also it’s a great way and a great source of frustration if you don’t have the communication piece in place. So communicate, communicate, communicate, respect, everybody, close the gap. And from there, get some good stuff done.
Hey, thanks for watching. Thanks for checking us out. You can get more videos like this on YouTube bonus episodes of the New Marketing Show on our website, Get us on social @Trinitywebmedia, and you can get me on social at GRTaylor2, talk to you soon.