On a recent episode of The New Marketing Show featuring our partners over at Termageddon, we went over privacy policies and terms and conditions pages and how increasingly important of it is to keep your site’s updated.
With new laws being introduced and varying from state-to-state, working with a trusted vendor to keep things current is imperative to the growth of your business.
[Click here if you need a privacy policy that protects your business.]
Hey everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show, Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content. We appreciate you. Today, let’s talk about privacy policies and terms and conditions pages for your website.
So, first off, why do you need them? One you’re going to avoid fines from the government California is the strictest when it comes to fines when it comes to compliance two terms and conditions and privacy policies pages to you’re going to limit your liability and you’re going to keep better control your website, you’re going to be able to protect your intellectual property. And then the last factor is you’re going to ensure your legitimacy to all your web visitors.
So surely web media is proud to announce that we’ve partnered with term again. And what we’re able to do now is we’re able to launch privacy policies and Terms and Conditions pages on your website that are automatically updated per state as the rules and regulations change for the designated state.
Now California is one of the strictest, you know, that’s where I happen to live. You know, there are other states that are super, super strict where we do business. And what we want to do is we want to make sure that we’re always helping you protect your best interest and not fall into something some sort of sort of silly like non-compliance fine, or some kind of act where you know, it becomes a real headache for your business.
So, for more about this, check us out train the web media com and you know, all my business partner, Kevin, Emily also just did a podcast with the founders of term again, and you can get that at Trinitywebmedia.com/iTunes, privacy policies, Terms and Conditions pages, the rules or regulations are just going to get more stricter and stricter.
And why is this something that you want to have to understand and know, all the rules, regulations or legal ease and the nuances? It doesn’t make sense that’s going to take you away from what you’re doing for your businesses hands. So this is something we can help you out. This is something our partner Termageddon help you out with.
Look, it’s important, it may be boring stuff, but in the long run, it’s going to be well worth it. So hey, thanks for checking this out. For more episodes on of The New Marketing Show, check us out at the newmarketingshow.com. No, actually, that’s not even it. Check us out at Trinity web media.com/iTunes. That’s the right one. And then you can get our all our videos on Instagram TV, YouTube, wherever else you get this content. Thanks. Talk to you later. Have a great weekend.
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