Lead generation can be a tricky business. Many paid services go into it playing the numbers game, getting you as many leads as possible. But when it comes down to it, the quality of those leads is often misguided. Spending time and money chasing after hundreds of potential leads isn’t sensible or scalable for your business.
With a focus on content marketing, our clients know the importance of valuing quality over quantity. According to a report by BrightTALK, “B2B marketers have demonstrated a clear preference for generating high-quality leads (68%) over generating a high volume of leads (55%).” The numbers speak for themselves.
Learn more about lead generation and quality vs. quantity on today’s featured Trinity Web Minute episode featuring Greg Taylor.
Hey everybody, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catching us on Instagram TV, youtube, facebook, facebook, facebook, wherever you get this content, our website, all that great stuff.
So, as promised in our last video, we’re going to start talking about how with things that you can do to go ahead and grow your business or keep your business afloat and to keep your business sustainable, especially during these times.
One of the things that you know I want to talk about is lead generation. So, you know, lead generation to some point is a numbers game, and quantity does matter, but does quantity matter over quality?
I’m going to say no every single time I would way rather get two leads in a month that were perfect leads for my business that are people who are willing able to do business with me and 200 that I have to follow up on that aren’t the right fit.
So, a lot of times when you work with different PPC companies or different sem companies or somebody giving you a social lead or any of that stuff, what they really want to do is they live and die by the quantity. They live and die by quantity.
They live and die by how many people can we get in? How many people because they know that if they go ahead and they get you 200 people, they’re really wishing and hoping my dog’s balls, right.
They’re really hoping and wishing that they’re getting you a couple of the right people. Look, we all know hoping and wishing. And all that stuff is not a strategy. It’s not a way to run a business. It’s not a way to make anything, work, make and make a profitable business and definitely you can’t make yourself your business sustainable that way.
I would encourage you folks focus on quality. You know, quality leads typically come from a lot of heavy content marketing, it comes from doing the right thing and the same things that work over and over and over for a duration. So we work with some medical practices who we do a lot of content marketing for.
And we do podcasts, we do videos, we do articles, we have all of the everything in the mix. And what happens is the leads that they get from that are far superior than the leads that they’re getting from any type of paid search.
So when it comes to the quantity quality game, make sure that you really invest heavily in quality leads versus the quantity of those leads. This way, you’re going to have a quicker close rate, they’re gonna be more profitable, there’s gonna be less client education that needs to happen and I think that it’s going to really be a better overall fit for your business.
Thank you for checking us out. Thank you for everything you’re doing. We hope everybody is staying safe. We hope everybody is well out there and we’ll continue to make these videos for you. Be well.
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