As states begin to open back up and a sense of normalcy returns, it will be an exciting time for the regrowth of businesses. If you are like many and garnered support from your local community, adjustments will need to be made going forward. Local companies will need to learn from their successes but as well as their failures to further growth.
How do you plan on continuing to have support after quarantine? We have a few tips to keep your brand rolling even after such an unprecedented event.
Check out this week’s Trinity Web Minute with Greg Taylor to learn more!
Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catch us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, all that. So now that business restrictions in many states, including my own are loosening up here in New Jersey. I know like restaurants can go over 25% capacity on July 2, and things seem to be loosening up a little bit.
My question is, what are you going to do to keep bringing people into the door to keep people supporting your business? You know, there was a huge time during the pandemic that everybody wants to support local business.
Everybody was interested in keeping everybody in business. But now what do you do with all that momentum? If you gain any momentum, and if you didn’t gain any momentum, what are you going to do to recapture the momentum?
So one thing that comes to my mind about support after quarantine right now is rather than offering discounts and packages or you know, coupons, things like that, try identifying a couple of people who are rabid fans. Your brand rabid fans of what you do, who you are what you stand for, and try engaging them.
Try taking talk speaking to them on social media when they comment or when they like. I’ll post you know, one of the greatest things that we’d like to do is if you see what an influencer or someone that you deem to be influential to your business, actually just like a comment, write a comment back and mention them in it. And as maybe ask them a question, start a dialogue with them.
And if you can do that, and you make people feel a part of something, they’re going to come back and they’re going to rally around look, you have to make sure that your product, you got to make sure your servers you got to make sure that everything is on point, and all the rest and all the kinks are taken out.
But once that’s done, you’re going to be able to engage people in a new manner, and have people feel so passionately and so differently about your brand and rally around. So give that a go and let’s see how it happened. Hey, thanks for checking us out. See you next time.
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