We’re reaching the end of the year, and time is flying by as we continue to stay busy during these difficult times. As a nonprofit looking to raise funds, planning for year-end appeals is imperative. If you aren’t already busy getting resources together for your ask, we recommend getting to it sooner then later.
One of the most significant days for nonprofit asks is Giving Tuesday, taking place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Get in front of this crucial day by preparing with your team. Giving Tuesday isn’t the type of holiday where you can begin planning the week beforehand. Take the time to get ready and watch your fundraising abilities evolve like never before.
Make sure you watch this week’s Trinity Web Minute on Giving Tuesday, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Our experienced team is always happy to help.
Hey everyone, welcome to another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catch us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, all that good stuff today, I want to talk about year-end appeals for our nonprofit sectors. And I also want to talk about Giving Tuesday, Giving Tuesday is coming up fast. Giving Tuesday is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in November, obviously, so here we are, today we are at the end of September.
So if you are going to do anything of, of substance or anything substantial for Giving Tuesday or your year end appeal, now we have a lot of clients
who are wrapping their year end appeal and Giving Tuesday together to kind of make sure that it has a lot more momentum.
So if you are in the camp of doing that, and if you want your Giving Tuesday to really go off and really, really be successful, the thing that we implore you to do is to start planning now, if you plan now what’s going to happen, you’re going to have all of your ducks in a row.
And what’s going to happen is if you have these first two weeks or first three weeks of just strategy, and gathering assets, what only the left is going to be is executing, reviewing, refining and repeating the campaign.
Really by the time you know we’re three weeks out for Giving Tuesday. messaging should already start coming out messaging should already start hitting your audience to make sure that you are on track and you’re starting to get top of mind now.
I have a feeling that with the pandemic with everything and other traditional fundraising being very very, you know, closed down, we can’t do big galas. We can’t do big balls. We can’t do live auctions, anything like that.
This year and this Giving Tuesday is going to be the noisiest ever, I think that it is going to be the most competitive for discretionary donations and dollars. So make sure that you have a compelling storyline, make sure you have all everything set to go and then just execute the hell out of it.
From there, you can just keep refining it and repeating it and making sure that you’re getting to meet your goals or getting where it needs to be.
Again, this is going to be the most competitive giving season ever. So I think that it’s gonna be important to be ahead of the curve and make sure that you stand out.
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