Do you ever find yourself stuck trying to accomplish something? Maybe it’s with a client, or perhaps it’s a line of code; either way, this feeling is entirely normal. We all find ourselves stuck in certain situations with a sense that you can’t get things going again. If this sounds familiar, we’d like to introduce you to something we’ve recently adopted here at Trinity Web Media. Referenced by the public speaker & author Mel Robbins, the 5 second rule is a great place to start for anyone feeling stuck.
The 5 second rule consists of three separate steps to take when things just aren’t going your way, and you feel stuck. Tune in to this week’s Trinity Web Minute as Greg breaks these critical three steps down.
Hey everybody, welcome to another bonus episode of the new Marketing Show catching us on Instagram TV, YouTube, our website wherever you getting this content we definitely appreciate you. So today, you know, I want to talk about some things that I’ve recently learned from an author, public speaker, public personality named Mel Robbins. You know, Mel Robbins has, she’s kind of formalized this five second rule.
I know five second rule does not mean you have five seconds to pick up food once it hits the ground in order to eat it, because we all know, we give ourselves 10. Just kidding. But I want to talk about how to get unstuck. When you’re feeling stuck with procrastination, you’re feeling stuck on a project, you’re feeling stuck with a client, you’re just kind of feeling stuck in general.
So what I learned listening to her book, The five second rule is three steps to getting unstuck and to moving forward on, you got to forgive yourself, one, don’t beat yourself up over feeling bad. Don’t feel bad, don’t beat yourself up over procrastinating don’t feel beat yourself up over making a mistake, don’t beat yourself up over
whatever the situation, whatever is really stopping you and the feelings around that. Now, I’m not perfect with this, this is something new that I’m trying to put into action.
I do suffering from some panic and anxiety, which stops me from doing certain things. But now you know, in a kinder gentler me to myself type of thing. You know, I forgive myself and move forward, to have to visualize what I want the outcome to be. And sometimes the outcome is just getting out and sitting down and planning a project. Sometimes it’s writing, you know, a couple hours of code, sometimes it’s getting through a meeting, you know, visualize what a successful outcome looks like. And three, you just have to do it. You know, in a lot of my word camp talks with, go do it, go put in you know, the things that we just talked about, go put them in practice, go make a deal.
Go do something for the greater good of the WordPress community. So three things, one, forgive yourself, be a little kinder to yourself, let it go flush it, however you want to do it. Just get it out of your mind, in order for that not to be a barrier to visualize a positive outcome. And three, get the work. Because we all know that nothing happens unless you work at it, and nothing happens unless you’re making it happen.
So thanks so much for listening. Thanks so much for watching. We really appreciate you. You know, for more podcasts like this, you can get us at, or on any pod application that’s out there where you listen to other popular shows, search for the new Marketing Show and you’re gonna find that so thanks a lot. Talk to you soon.
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