In both the world of business and personal life, mistakes are going to happen. We’re all human, and no one is perfect. When something goes awry, don’t beat yourself up about it. At the end of the day, even the biggest and most well-run companies are going to make mistakes. The best thing you can do is learn from it and move on.
Tune in with Greg on today’s Trinity Web Minute as we reflect on mistakes and growing from them. Whether it’s an email blast or a typo on social media, you can’t expect perfection from yourself 100% of the time.
Business mistakes happen, and that’s just life.
Sup everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the New Marketing Show, catching us on reels, Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever we are, thanks for getting us Apple podcast. You know, mistakes happen, and mistakes happen all over the place.
You know, fortunately, a lot of times not everybody’s mistakes are super public. And everybody has access to seeing them and they’re visible everyone. Yesterday certain on certain television network streaming company sent out multiple emails, it’s just a test development environment. Testing shit is hard. Development and marketing and strategy. All that is hard. You know what, everybody’s gonna make mistakes.
You know, every once in a while, you’re gonna send out an email e blast that has the wrong date on it, or a stupid stupid typo. I know I did it for Giving Tuesday, I made, I made a mistake. Luckily, it was to a small segment of our mailing list. It was only 250 people instead of 10,000 people but we’ve all done it. We all feel it.
Here’s the thing, you’re gonna get mistakes in your email in your in your inbox, you’re gonna see it, you’re gonna see typos. It happens you’ve done it, just because somebody else did. It doesn’t mean that we all call it out and we all you know, pass it around, make memes out of it. You know what, the people doing that, you know, have probably made their fair share mistakes or just handle this differently.
So best thing to do, like when I saw Amber Maslin on Twitter say is when you get when you see something like that, just delete it and move on. Seriously, just till you move on. You’re gonna make mistakes. You’re gonna be thankful that you did that because you’re going to be extremely thankful when somebody does that for you. Hey, thanks for checking us out. We’ll talk to you soon.
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