More often then not, when you work with a marketing agency, the terms of your website can be confusing. If you’ve heard horror stories before about big box companies holding sites hostage, you wouldn’t be far off.
We’ve been working with companies that aren’t always aware if they have control of their website or not, but we’re here to help. Our New Jersey website development company ensures that contracts are as transparent as possible before development begins.
When you work with a reputable web design company, you shouldn’t be too concerned whether or not you own your site. It should be assumed, but make sure that you review your contracts carefully to make sure.
Still wondering “do I own my website?” Tune in to today’s Trinity Web Minute below.
Hey, everyone, thanks for checking out another bonus episode of the new market show catching us on Instagram, TV, YouTube, wherever you’re getting this content.
So today, I want to keep addressing some of the FAQs that we get. So here’s one that we hear quite often when we’re meeting with clients, do I own my website? Wow. That’s a crazy question.
Because if you hire a developer to develop your website, you need to read the contract more often, more times than not, if you hire a reputable WordPress development company, you will own your website you will own all the development that happens for you all the custom Dev, etc, etc.
Now, here’s the caveat. If you work with one of these big box marketing companies, you know, I have a couple of mine don’t really want to throw out their names but all of these you know, pay $99 a month or pay 199 a month, etc, etc. and will build you a free website. Here’s the thing. You have to
Pay that dollar amount in perpetuity for you to have that website, work for your business. So read the contract very, very carefully because it more times than not, you do not own your website.
So the moral the story here is, if you work with a reputable development company asked the question, do I own my website?
They should almost always say yes, you own your own website we are being hired to to build you a site to build you a property, it’s no different than if somebody is building you. A house. Do you own the house? Yes. So it’s the same principle.
But if you’re working with one of these other companies that try to lock in long term or lock into a different platform or try to lock you into contracts, things like that. Ask the question, do I own my website? And then if they say yes, say at what point do I own website When will I own my website? What do I need to do to break free?and have somebody else work on my website?
You have to ask all these questions because it is tied up in legal ease and fine print to make things confusing. So work with a reputable WordPress developer on your websites. Work with, you know, a marketing firm that you trust.
Work with independent ones whenever you can, because then you’re going to avoid this altogether.
Hey, thanks for checking us out. More bonus episodes of the new Marketing Show can be found at Trinity web media. com slash Apple podcasts. Or you can catch us on Instagram TV, YouTube, Stitcher, I Heart Radio, all that good stuff.
So hey, thanks for checking us out.
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