It’s that time of the year when graduates are taking the stage to get their diplomas, ready to enter into the next phase of their lives. Entering the working world is a very crucial moment in life that can be overwhelming. Today, Greg takes time to give out some life-advice that is backed by authentic experience.
When it comes to advice for those going into the working world, you often hear the same people giving the same advice. Well, today’s Trinity Web Minute provides pertinent information that can be directly applied. Tune in to learn from great advice that will take you far in the business world.
Hey everyone, welcome to a bonus episode of the new Marketing Show. And thanks for catching us on Instagram TV, YouTube, on our website, wherever you’re catching this video content. So today with this being college graduation season, and a lot of graduations going on family members and friends who have kids are graduating center, etc. I wanted to just give a couple of pieces of advice to anybody going into the working world, especially as a creative or as a marketer or in the ad world. So, a couple of things that I wish I had been told when I was out of school and first started working.
So one, work for companies that you align your values with, partner up with clients, partner up with agencies partner with wherever you take the job. Make sure that you align with the culture, make sure you align with their values and make sure you align with their ethics.
First of all, that’s first thing to say, from there, make sure that you can have a little bit of fun doing whatever you’re doing, you know, work is a grind. And although I love what I do, and although I work a whole lot, it’s still a grind at times, you know, there’s still a lot, there’s a lot of pressure to get things done.
There’s a lot to do. So make sure you’re having some fun on it. Now, let’s get to the good stuff. Three, find a mentor, whether it’s within your company from your school, maybe it’s a parent, maybe it’s a family member, maybe it’s a friend’s car. In my case, it was my best friend Matt’s Father, Sam Critsign was very instrumental in my career.
Later on in life, you know, I latched onto good people like Francine Hardaway, Chuck Reynolds, Josh Ziering, Scott Yako, you know, all these guys who became my best friends and let them mentor you. Let them teach you about the stuff that they know that you don’t know. Also, don’t let age be a difference. Now some of these mentors may be much older than you. Some of them may be much younger.
Some of them may be much younger you as in my case, most cases, so make sure that you’re open to listening to them and latch on to somebody who is willing to take you under their wings and say, Hey, I made that mistake, this is what I did, you should probably do it this way. And you’re not going to experience all the pain that I did. And then also, it’s going to get you out of your own echo chamber of either your company or within your social circles and your family, to where you can really start to collaborate, and get some good ideas to get some shit done.
Don’t be afraid to be collaborative and don’t be afraid to tell people your ideas. You shouldn’t be afraid that people are going to steal your ideas when you tell them. Don’t worry, you know we had a say in Gangplank, don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. They’re working on ones that are better. So just take that to heart. And then lastly, what I really want people to understand is, you are not your job, there’s way more to you than what you do. So make sure that you can work on fun projects, making sure that you can go out there and pursue other interests, make sure that you know go ahead and leave live a very happy, you know, work blend life that we always talk about.
I strive for work blend, I never stopped for a work-life balance because it’s impossible. So with those things, you know, make sure you work on people who align with you. Make sure you’re able to have a fun culture, we were gonna latch on to mentors, and also make sure that you pursue other interests. So Best of luck. And if you ever need anything, please let us know here at trend the web media and we can point you in a direction with some of our content and some of our things that we’ve experienced. So thanks, take care.
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