As you may know, one of the mottos we go by here at our New Jersey digital marketing company, Trinity Web Media, is collaboration over competition. We believe that if you are handing competition, it not only makes you work harder but also give you reasons to improve.
Similar brands surround our company, but at the end of the day, no one serves as a real competitor when you are willing to collaborate. No one else has the exact same strengths that you do, and that’s what sets you apart from the rest of the pack.
But, when you find yourself dealing with competitors that are mimicking your strategy, its time to step things up. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, but in business, this is only a sign they are one step behind.
Tune in to episode #91 of our podcast, The New Marketing Show, to learn about handling competition in business and why this is so important to the lifeline of your brand.
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