It’s unfortunate but widespread in the marketing world. When big-box marketing companies begin to get involved with more specific niches, small businesses are often trapped in a nightmare situation.
After selling companies on a “one-size-fits-all” strategy, results fail to show. It shouldn’t surprise you that huge marketing companies try to take on as many clients as possible. This way, they can reuse the same plans over and over again for brands within the same industry.
Stop competing with yourself! When you work with a digital marketing company like Trinity Web Media, we ensure you have all the tools you need to succeed. If you aren’t being given permission to view the analytics of your site, BEWARE. This is a red flag for any business looking to hire a marketing team. We believe that transparency is the name of the game; without it, your strategy will ultimately fail.
On this week’s podcast, we are starting off the new year strong. Tune in to learn about the tactics big-box marketing companies use to capture clients. Kevin Eberle & Greg Taylor talk about scare-tactics, the use of strict contracts, and more, enjoy!
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