To start off the week, Greg Taylor goes over the importance of tracking your leads. The first step to gaining data from your leads is determining the different ways they are reaching your site. Are you emphasizing social media presence? Are you paying to run PPC (pay-per-click) ads? Or are you investing in SEO?
Let’s talk about the easiest way to track where leads come from. We believe one of the most straightforward ways to track your leads is through Google analytics. Setting a goal allows you to directly see where your lead entered and exited from, both very valuable data. Another way to gather lead data is by including a required field on a form. Ask your users how they heard about you and then list the various options. This gives you the opportunity to learn if your growing organically or your advertisements are working. Not only does tracking leads give you pertinent data to base decisions off of, but it is also a great way to gauge how effective your site is.
If you don’t understand where your leads come from, you aren’t getting maximum results from your digital marketing campaign.