One of the most crucial aspects of any website is security. WordPress users can experience hacks through vulnerabilities in updates or plugins, so it is best always to stay prepared. Keep in mind the power of your WordPress website security starts with you. What do we mean by that? Greg Taylor from … [Read more...] about WordPress & Website Security
Trinity Web Media Articles
The Power of Collaboration
When you work together as a team, you'll be amazed by what the power of collaboration can amount to. Quarantine has taught us all an important lesson on the impact being dispersed can have on a company. Here at Trinity Web Media, we strongly encourage others to take on the mindset of "collaboration … [Read more...] about The Power of Collaboration
Everybody Makes Mistakes
In both the world of business and personal life, mistakes are going to happen. We're all human, and no one is perfect. When something goes awry, don't beat yourself up about it. At the end of the day, even the biggest and most well-run companies are going to make mistakes. The best thing you can do … [Read more...] about Everybody Makes Mistakes
The Loudest Voice Isn’t Always Right
Living in an "influencer society," it's hard to filter out content that is of actual value. Social media has made many so focused on likes and followers that we forget what actually goes on behind the scenes. Years ago, what influencers do was just considered an endorsement. We all know that once … [Read more...] about The Loudest Voice Isn’t Always Right
Happy Pride Month 2021!
June marks Pride Month, and the team here at Trinity Web Media wants to remind everyone the importance of remaining allies with the LGBTQ+ community. Our company never stands for any discrimination, and we will stay that way. Whether based on race, religion, sexual orientation, creed, ethnicity, or … [Read more...] about Happy Pride Month 2021!
How to Make Your Content More Engaging
For all of the content creators out there, it's no secret creating engaging content is key to growing an audience. With so much content already out there, the internet is flooded with options to choose from. Make your content stand out from the crowd by providing high-value resources that are both … [Read more...] about How to Make Your Content More Engaging