Here at Trinity Web Media, we’re proud to discuss the successful strategies we have implemented for nonprofits across the east coast. With the proper tools in place, our team has the ability to curate donors and exponentially increase the average donation rate. If you’re looking to do the same, we highly suggest you start off with the innovative donation tool, GiveWP.
Our very own, Greg Taylor, had a recent engagement with GiveWP on Twitter, sparking us to dive into more explanation of our nonprofit experience. As you may know, elevating an average donation rate can transform a nonprofit – GiveWP allows you to do that and much more.
Tune in to learn more about GiveWP and how we’ve been able to produce nonprofit funding like never before.
Hello welcome to a bonus episode of the new Marketing Show catch us on Instagram TV, YouTube, all that good stuff today I want to talk about a quick conversation that I had via Twitter with our friends over give WP and give is one of the best WordPress plugins.
If you were in the nonprofit space would give does it allows you to take donations online, processed the credit card transaction and curate a lot of data on your donors and how to get to you and there’s great reporting. So definitely check that out if your nonprofit.
So we talked about how we were able to bring a nonprofits average donation up from zero 18 months ago to $412. And the way that Trinity webmedia did that working with this nonprofit here in New Jersey was we were able to segment their data create specific land pages that speak to these personas from their create special messaging and languages that we were sending out to them via email and making sure that the donation forms made sense.
So if this segment of segment one of your donor base average is $65 per donation, why would you have? Why would you not use that to your advantage? So, what we did when we found out that one donor base use $65 per on an average, we were able to make the donation suggestions 5075 $125. That puts the $65 in the lower half of that. So what we’re able to do at that point is we’re able to go ahead and ask for more subtly without people knowing it.
Now, we also are fortunate enough to have a lot of donations in the one To 20 $500 range. So we segment that persona while that data set sec segment is smaller, or able to do is we’re able to speak to what’s important to them how their money drives change, and also make suggested donation amounts of 1000 1500 2500.
And on each one of the forms that we use, what we end up doing is we also make sure that there is an other so the people can fill in any amount that they’re comfortable with. So what you want to do is you want to drill into your data, you want to understand your donor history, you want to nurture their donor along that if they gave $25 last year, maybe they want to give $15 a month, this year 15 times 12 is a significant increase in $25.
So when you go ahead and you model all the data and you curate and develop a persona, that’s what’s important to them, speak to them about where their money goes. Typically a small donation has to do with somebody feeling good about supporting a cause. Typically a larger donation is given to effect change directly within the organization.
Once you understand that you understand some of the psychology, you can, again, create messaging, supply and serve up imagery that resonates with people. And make sure that you have the proper ask. It’s all about having the proper ask. And then make sure that when you send them an email to drive them to your page or via social, you’re able to speak to them in a manner that makes sense to them.
And in a manner that’s super important to them. So that if it strikes a chord so that they want to go ahead and follow through with the donation, so I hope this helps pay for more stuff like this, make sure you check out the new Marketing Show you can get us on Instagram TV, YouTube, on our site, you know, Trinity web We have tons of tips and tricks just like this. Talk to you soon.
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